Tag Archives: Gendered approach to natural disaster

The Economic Impact on women in disaster affected areas in Australia: Community Forum October 23

Economic Security 4 Women and the National Rural Women’s Coalition are holding a forum on a gendered approach to disaster relieve.

“We know that women do the greater amount of unpaid care work in the family as well as in the community, and that this increases during and after a disaster. We also know that this crowds out the time women have available for paid work. This is during a time when families in particular need extra cash, when the local economies need their workers and when women could be increasingly engaged in rebuilding and post disaster projects . ”

So if this is of interest to you come to the  forum being held on October 23  at Woodlands of Marburg, 174 Seminary Road, Marburg Queensland.

Below link to forum flyer and press release regarding the forum

Invitation – EconomicImpactsDisasterCommunityForumFinal20140920
